Parental rights denied due to sexual agenda

February 16, 2018

An Ohio judge has given a 17-year old into the custody of her grandparents.  Why? Because her parents did not support her desire to transition from female to male.

Never mind that gender dysphoria was long recognized as  treatable mental disorder. Ignore the fact that nearly half of transgenders will attempt suicide (and too many succeed — and this risk is why Johns Hopkins refused to assist gender transitions for many years).  Pretend there’s no evidence that the hormones will exponentially increase cancer risk, especially for males taking female hormones.  Claim there’s no truth to the data that many transgenders regret their transitions and want to revert to the sex they were born. All that matters, any more, is the progressive indulgence of the sexual revolution’s increasingly selfish and irrational demands.

We have seen this already in divorce cases.  Janna Darnelle has written of her divorce judge’s statement, after granting her gay ex-husband everything that he’d asked for, “If you’d asked for more, I’d have given it to you,” despite his very demonstrable (what used to be known as) moral turpitude.

Now, despite years of ridicule directed at conservative voices warning against this very eventuality, and the insistence that it would never come to this from the Left, now parental rights over their own children are being overridden in the interest of furthering a destructive sexual agenda.

In my state, District Court Judges hear domestic cases, and they are elected to their positions in local elections.  Hamilton Co., Ohio, voters need to register their disapproval of this judge’s agenda-driven ruling by demanding a recall and assuring she never hold responsible public office again.