Washington State opens Can of Worms in Surrogacy Law

March 2, 2018

Sentimentalism wants all adults to be able to have children.  Katy Faust sees the dire issues, risks, and dangers of such an attitude, and of the new Washington State law allowing wholesale human trafficking under the very polite euphemism of “surrogacy”–

Disaster Surrogacy Cases Sanctioned by Washington State’s SB 6037

Scientific Doubt

November 24, 2009

On the topic of “settled science” there was a recent (illegal) release of internal communications among the “humans have caused global warming” set.  The dialog appears to be more than just doubting and laughing at the “global warming doubters” set.  It appears to be a scheme amounting to a conspiracy to suppress science that they don’t agree with.

What does this have to do with Abortion?  I’m referring to the Abortion Breast Cancer link where one commenter here has declared “with a few exceptions, the big, well-designed, robust studies say no link, and the studies which report a link are small, design-flawed, and biased.” With the kind of suppression of science that the global warming types are doing that’s exactly what you’d see and get.  I’m no conspiracy theorist; however this revelation in the debate over Global Warming points out that people – scientists included – can see what they want to see and call their opponents names rather than seeking truth.


Settled Science?

Computer hackers reveal corruption behind the global-warming “consensus.”


“Officials at the University of East Anglia confirmed in a statement on Friday that files had been stolen from a university server and that the police had been brought in to investigate the breach,” the New York Times reports. “They added, however, that they could not confirm that all the material circulating on the Internet was authentic.” But some scientists have confirmed that their emails were quoted accurately.

The files–which can be downloaded here–surely have not been fully plumbed. The ZIP archive weighs in at just under 62 megabytes, or more than 157 MB when uncompressed. But bits that have already been analyzed, as the Washington Post reports, “reveal an intellectual circle that appears to feel very much under attack, and eager to punish its enemies”:

Read the entire article at:


referenced articles are at the New York Times


and the Washington Post



Here’s an Op Ed piece from the Wall Street Journal.  Same conclusion.


Dec 2nd update:  More science from a reasonably eminent scientist and a small bibliography of their works:


Abortion Causes Breast Cancer?

November 15, 2009

Study: Chinese women with abortions have statistically significant 17% increased breast cancer risk

MEDIA ADVISORY, November 12, 2009/Christian Newswire

Chinese researchers Peng Xing and his colleagues conducted a case-control study in Northeast China examining reproductive factors associated with subtypes of breast cancer. They found a statistically significant overall odds ratio of 1.17 (17% increased breast cancer risk for all subtypes combined) among women with induced abortions. [1]

Earlier this year, a Turkish study reported a statistically significant 66% increased risk for women with abortions. [2] Both studies show that, when honest research is conducted outside the control of the U.S. National Cancer Institute and other Western governmental agencies or organizations tethered to abortion ideology and politics, the truth emerges that abortion raises risk. Studies reporting no abortion- breast cancer (ABC) link were proven in medical journals to be stupendously flawed (fraudulent). [3-13]

“The Chinese and the Turkish studies are relevant considering the debate over government-funded abortion through healthcare reform,” said Karen Malec, president of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer. “Government-funded abortion means more dead American women from breast cancer.”

See entire article at http://www.prolifeblogs.com/articles/archives/2009/11/study_chinese_w.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Prolifeblogs+(ProLifeBlogs)

An abstract of the study is at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19771534?itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum&ordinalpos=1